CMA provides unique services for the assessment of groundwater - surface water interaction sites
Groundwater Seepage Quantification
Our unique ultrasonic seepage meters provide the capability to quantify groundwater seepage over a broad range of discharge rates and conditions ranging from very low discharges in lakes, to strong and periodic discharges in tidally influenced coastal environments. We can also use these systems in combination with porewater measurements or flow proportional seepage sampling to quantify freshwater, seawater, nutrient and contaminant flux rates.
Porewater Sampling
Our technologies provide the basis for targeted sampling of porewater in groundwater discharge zones, thin layer caps, and general areas of near shore sediments. We have pioneered small volume sampling with the Trident Probe with application to VOCs, metals, PAHs and PCBs. We can also provide services for preparing and installing a range of passive samplers for porewater assessment.
Groundwater Discharge Mapping
CMA specializes in mapping groundwater discharge zones in surface water systems. We have unique capabilities and extensive experience that spans a broad range of sites. We can tailor a cost effective study to meet your requirements and provide the best data possible to support your decisions.
Additional Services
Environmental Diving
Sediment Sampling
Small Boat Services
CMA has a number of small survey boats to support sampling and survey activities. Boats range from about 10 to 30 feet and can be transported to any location in the U.S. to meet
specific study
We have trained
personal to handle
all aspects of boat
transport, logistics
and operations.
We have a broad range of experience and equipment to support shallow water sediment sampling activities including grab sampling, core sampling and diver collected samples. We also have sediment sampling capabilities that adapt to our drive frames and fast water sampling systems.
CMA provides specialized capabilities for environmental and scientific diving including highly trained staff, drysuit protection for contaminated waters, and wireless underwater communications. Our dive team has many years of experience in the installation of underwater monitoring systems and sample collection activities including peepers, diffusion samplers, passive samplers, pressure sensors, seepage meters, temperature and conductivity sensors.
We provide a full range of hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and contaminant process, exposure and fate modeling services. These modeling capabilities can be applied in conjunction with our field assessment services or as a stand-alone service. Our experience spans TMDL, contaminated
sediments, groundwater
surface water interaction, sea
level rise, oil spill, point
source and stormwater
discharge simulations.
In Situ Bioassays
CMA provides services to assess toxicity and bioaccumulation using in situ exposure systems. These systems provide the ability to assess sites where static laboratory exposures are inadequate, or to enhance the realism of traditional exposure measurements. We provide a complete service including preparation, installation and retrieval using divers or diver-less methodologies. These services can be coupled with other CMA capabilities including porewater sampling, passive samplers, seepage measurements and modeling to provide a comprehensive assessment of complex systems.
Ebullition Monitoring
CMA provides unique services for in-situ monitoring of ebullition rates. These measurements can be made in conjunction with groundwater seepage measurements, or as a stand-alone measurement. Our systems allow for continuous
monitoring of
gas release from
the sediments,
along with the
ability to collect
discrete samples.